Succeeding on-and-off the fields!

Beyond Soccer is a sports-based youth development organization that uses soccer to connect Lawrence youth to new experiences that build confidence and create opportunities for leadership, healthy living & academic achievement.

Program Goals

Sports & Physical Activity: Year-round soccer programs, plus summer camps
Healthy Active Living: Fitness, nutrition education classes, cooking courses & Beyond FAB
Leadership Development: Youth Jobs support, plus Jr/Coach Mentor experiences
Academic Achievement: Tutoring, homework help, plus college and career readiness support

READ our March ’25 Newsletter: “We’re Kicking Off Spring after a Busy Off-Season”

Here’s some off-season program and player highlights thanks to YOU!

Meet former player, now Sr. Coach Mentor who is making a huge impact, year-round.

The Paul Lefty Wennik Outstanding Character Scholarship is open. It’s year 3!


More than 300 youth & teens are currently playing winter futsal!

Read about our part in the Resilient Girls Project!

Our indoor turf, thanks to Sentinel Benefits!

Our Coach Mentors made

this Summer Video!

Read about Cummings Foundation grant!

Boston Children Hospital’s Fitness Evaluation

“The program pushed my daughter to be more active, increased her soccer skills and encouraged her to come out of her shell through team-building exercises.” ~ Beyond Soccer parent

“It was a great experience to be a part of the Beyond Soccer family. It was a great chance to work together as a group throughout the summer! Making sure all the kids felt comfortable and safe. Being a coach mentor opened a lot of doors for me. I’ve also realized how kids look up to older people and admire us. I am so glad that I got to be a role model.” ~ Coach Mentor

“It made all the difference. Social interaction and being active is so essential to his emotional health. My child had been showing signs of depression until school reopened and sports were available to him.” ~ Beyond Soccer parent

“I love having this (Beyond Resilient Girls) program. It has given us improvement with the friendships we have with the team. It helps us see how we are not only amazing on the field but off the field as well. That gives us better affection for everybody including the coaches which gives us a better connection with the whole team.” ~ Grade 8 Player

“My kids have enjoyed being part of such a great organization for many years. They have made lots of friendships and gained many skills.” ~ Beyond Soccer parent

“Better health and better behavior because it’s about more than exercise it’s also about connection and discipline.” ~ Soccer parent

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