Lawrence Youth Soccer’s City League Program (PK-2nd Grades)
The Spring ’22 Schedule–Coming Soon!
For Questions:
Telephone: (978) 210-7537
If you are registered and haven’t been added to a What’s App group, email or text Chris above!
A NEW HOME FIELD!! A wonderful silver lining as we’ve struggled to access playable fields for more than a decade, is that some Lawrence Youth Soccer teams and programs will be using this new state-of-the-art turf field that’s getting final touches over the next few weeks. That’s thanks to Lupoli Companies’ transformative project along the Merrimack River at the Pavillion at Riverwalk. There won’t be parking issues either, as the field sits on a 1,200-car garage. Also, Beyond Soccer & Volley’s current office and program space looks over the field!! We will access the field on Saturday mornings for two back-to-back travel league games between 8 am – 12 pm, plus Monday and Wednesday evenings for practices starting mid-September. See photos below!